I wanted a kid-free wedding so I paid for childcare — guests were still mad

I wanted a kid-free wedding so I paid for childcare — guests were still mad

Here comes the gloom.

An anonymous newlywed has sparked a fierce debate online after revealing they paid for childcare for their wedding guests — who balked because the kids were kept 2 miles from the venue.

Taking to Reddit’s “Am I The A—hole” sub this week, the new spouse explained they wanted a child-free wedding and thought the solution was a “good compromise.”

“I rented out my brother’s indoor playground and paid the staff to work late,” the poster shared. “Basically I paid them double time until midnight whether there were kids there or not.”

“They are all trained in first aid and have all been screened by the police,” the Redditor continued. “On top of that several of the older kids that didn’t want to go to the reception stayed there as well to keep an eye on everything. As well as two ladies from my church. I also provided food and drinks.”

Photo of kids at a wedding.
Taking to Reddit’s “Am I The A—hole” sub this week, the new spouse explained they wanted a child-free wedding and thought the solution was a “good compromise.”

Photo of people getting married.
The anonymous user claimed to provide food and childcare at a different venue 5 minutes away.
Vasil Dimitrov

However, there was a catch — since the playground was 5 minutes away from the reception, guests “basically had to choose” between leaving kids there or bringing them with them.

“I figured that it was a good option for anyone with kids that might get rowdy,” the poster wrote. “Anyone with infants obviously wouldn’t leave them there.”

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Neither choice seemed to satisfy the guests, with many getting mad about the venue being 2 miles away, the food being different for the kids, and there not being supervision for nursing babies.

The Redditor concluded the post by asking if they were the a—hole for this decision, admitting that they have been “called all kinds of names” for what they thought was a nice and acceptable thing to do.

Photo of a Reddit post.
The poster asked whether or not they were the a—hole.

Photo of a man and a woman getting married.
“I figured that it was a good option for anyone with kids that might get rowdy,” the poster wrote. “Anyone with infants obviously wouldn’t leave them there.”
Kobus Louw

In the comments section of the post, an overwhelming number of users seemed to side with the poster.

“A safe place, with people who are screened and trained to provide the care?” one person wrote. “5 minutes away is nothing. I thought you were going to say it was 20 miles across town. And even then, I don’t think it would be crazy given the probably limited options.”

Another agreed, typing, “If they didn’t feel comfortable with the accommodation, then they get their own babysitter or don’t attend. What am I missing here?”

“Two whole miles!” one Redditor joked. “Someone ask the kids. Given a choice, I’m sure they’d much rather have gone to the playground and eaten themselves sick on pizza. NTA. I’m sorry you have such a–holes for friends and relatives. This was really thoughtful.”

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Photo of two women getting married.
A majority of users agreed that the user was not the a—hole.

A few, however, called out the newlywed for wanting a child-free wedding in the first place.

“YTA,” one person wrote. “Generally every person that is so worried about ‘my day’ to the level that kids being present would ‘ruin’ it, is a huge a–hole. Weddings are to celebrate with your friends and family. Except kids,I guess. They aren’t family.”

“Child-free weddings suck,” another seconded. “They feel sterile and sad AF.”

“I wanted a child free wedding, this automatically means YTA,” a third declared.

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