‘Kim’s Video’ Review: Following the Tapes to Italy

‘Kim’s Video’ Review: Following the Tapes to Italy

Longtime New Yorkers of bohemian bent may be intrigued by the prospect of a documentary about Kim’s Video, the downtown rental outlet, retailer and shambolic hangout that shut its doors, as video stores tended to do, in 2014. Its title notwithstanding, “Kim’s Video,” co-directed by David Redmon and Ashley Sabin and narrated by Redmon, is less a retail history than a shaggy dog story. One that actually appears to be true. Go in knowing that and you might get a kick out of it.

The movie begins with someone bringing a hand-held camera to St. Mark’s Place, where a Kim’s superstore once stood, and asking passerby if they can direct him to Kim’s Video, which seems a contrived, disingenuous setup. It then segues into Redmon’s autobiographical musings. “My parents were 17 years old when I was born,” he recalls. No one’s asking, but OK.

Redmon’s soft-spoken narration is, among other things, peak film bro-ish, but it’s crucial to the narrative, which eventually chronicles the documentarian’s obsession with rescuing an all-but-stranded video collection. The collection was going to be housed at a library in Salemi, Italy, when Kim’s Video’s owner, Yongman Kim, made a deal to ship thousands of tapes and discs there. As it happened, this scheme turned out to be even more harebrained than was evident at face value.

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Despite not even possessing Duolingo-level Italian (the segments in which Redmon yammers in English at people who don’t understand him are particularly irritating), the filmmakers uncover a chaotic web of corruption and incompetence. And soon “Kim’s Video” morphs into a heist movie of sorts. The documentary is presented by Alamo Drafthouse, the movie house that (as you may already know) figures prominently in the narrative, which resolves in a cult happy ending.

Kim’s Video
Not Rated. Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes. In theaters.

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