Manspreader sparks viral debate: ‘Rude to casually kick his leg?’

This leggy man spread thin one woman’s patience.

As she rode the train on Sunday, Dr. Neena Jha was shocked to find the man sitting in the window seat next to her spreading his legs out into her section, and getting too close for comfort.

“UGH!! Sat next to a really selfish guy who refuses to move his leg from my space.” Dr. Jha tweeted.

The photo shows Dr. Jha’s legs in the space in front of her seat with the “complete stranger’s” leg in her area nearly touching her own.

“Rude to casually kick his leg away?!” she asked.

A man put his leg into another passengers personal space
Dr. Neena Jha shared a photo on Twitter of a man’s leg being inappropriately close to hers as she traveled on the train.
Jam Press/@DrNeenaJha

People flocked to the comments to share their advice on how to handle the annoying situation.

“Pretend to sneeze and flick water onto him,” @LawtonTri suggested.

“No. Just start waxing it. He will soon move,” @JasonElsom replied.

“I’ve always found a cigarette lighter to come in handy in these situations,” @Disgruntledcom2 said.

“I have always found that pretending to be about to vomit clears a lot of personal space very quickly and with little risk of violence,” @JennaLuche commented.

Others recommended that Dr. Jha “start coughing”, “put the tray table down”, “kick him in the balls” or “accidentally” splash hot coffee on his leg.

Dr. Jha spreading out
People flocked to the comments to suggest how Dr. Jha should handle the situation and share stories of similar experiences.
Jam Press/@DrNeenaJha

Twitter user @rheumpatient asked, “I always wonder whether they would do this to other men, or just women?”

“He knows what he’s doing… Social conditioning and his need to exert dominance through physical posture. Basically just being entitled,” @DrStrangetwit said.

“And yet, I’ve had people arguing with me that #manspreading is not a thing,” @JennBridge commented.

Some commenters couldn’t believe the audacity of a stranger, but many others shared similar experiences of their own.

headshot of Dr.Neena Jha
Twitter @DrNeenaJha

A few fellow tall men did step in to defend the man explaining how they struggle to fit into certain seats.

“While I accept it’s most likely manspreading, do spare a thought for us taller men. I’m 6’6” and they reduced the legroom in trains and planes to the point that I now basically cannot fit with sitting both legs to one side or another,” @keithgrimes commented.

But Dr. Jha made sure to note that she acknowledged that reality and would have “happily let him” have more space if he would have “been polite about it”.

“He just had such an awful attitude & claimed my space as if he was simply entitled to it,” Dr. Jha explained.

Dr. Jha's viral Twitter thread
The Twitter thread went viral with 1.1 million views and thousands of likes online as most people were shocked by the situation.
Jam Press/@DrNeenaJha

She eventually replied to the tweet to update viewers on the situation.

“I just stretched my legs out & he’s left in a huff!!” she replied victorious. “What a win.”

“My fave suggestion was casually pulling out one leg hair of his at a time with a pair of tweezers. Priceless.”

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#Manspreader #sparks #viral #debate #Rude #casually #kick #leg

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