Men are tough nuts to crack when it comes to their dating preferences.
Fussy fellas are sharing their relationship deal breakers in a revealing Reddit thread —with multiple males ruling out a woman who won’t eat peanut butter.
Posting on the board r/askmen, a user by the name of CocainePandaa posed the following question: “What is one compromise you’re NOT willing to have in a relationship?”
The results varied wildly, proving there really are different strokes for different folks.
One nutty man said he wouldn’t date a woman, “severely allergic to peanut butter because I’m like physically 99 percent peanut butter at this point.” Another agreed.
Another fastidious fellow said he couldn’t romance a woman who was allergic to cats.
Meanwhile, many men said open relationships were big no-nos, while others claimed they wouldn’t date a woman who was a cheater — and not just a physical one.
“Also, emotional cheating is real. It’s not okay, you’re not just friends. The number of partners I’ve had try to justify it was crazy. If you wouldn’t cheat sexually, don’t do it emotionally. It’s painful,” someone wrote.
Other blokes bellowed that they wouldn’t date a lady who wasn’t okay with them having female friends.
Whether a woman wanted children or not was a big dealbreaker for many men. Some men said they’d only date a woman who wanted kids while others would only date a woman who didn’t want any.
Other dating dealbreakers were spotty texting habits, ladies who don’t want sex, and women without an agreement on how to handle each others’ in-laws.
And while several men wouldn’t date a woman who smoked, one man wanted a literal smoke show.
“I am going to smoke in my home,” he declared. “I will smoke my pipe or cigar in the warmth of my own home and I will not go outside.”
Being friends with an ex was also a red flag for many men.
Online decorum mattered as well. One man said he wasn’t a fan of women posting sexy pictures online or doing any kind of sex work.
Another guy said he could only date a woman who followed his religion. Another countered, claiming they couldn’t date a lady who was religious at all.
One single stud stated that he had had so many pet peeves he didn’t want to bother with a lady at all.
“Oh there are many,” he griped. “So many that a relationship will probably never workout.”
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