‘Freebirthing’ trend puts newborn babies at risk of death and seizures, experts warn

‘Freebirthing’ trend puts newborn babies at risk of death and seizures, experts warn

Sure, they’re born free — but taking the risky route could come at a high cost.  Welcoming a baby into the world is often revered as sacred by most women.  So rather than having the precious moment marred by the stressful madness of rushing to a hospital, getting drugged up and helplessly handing over the … Read more

NY’s birth rate declines as young people ditch Empire State, data shows

NY’s birth rate declines as young people ditch Empire State, data shows

New York’s childbirth rate continues to decline as women wait longer to have kids, new data suggests.  In 2021, around 211,000 babies were born in New York — a 13% drop compared with about 241,000 a decade earlier in 2011, according to newly compiled data from Cornell University’s Program in Applied Demographics.  Young people moving … Read more