How a generation of oil traders were trained by the Gulf War

How a generation of oil traders were trained by the Gulf War

In August 1990, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded is far-smaller neighbor, Kuwait — seizing the nation’s valuable oil fields and setting off a global scramble to rein in his imperialistic ambitions. As a global military coalition began to form to oust Hussein from Iraq, his invasion set off a spike in oil trading and prices … Read more

How likely are you to commit murder, according to your zodiac sign

How likely are you to commit murder, according to your zodiac sign

In his controversial novel “American Psycho,” Pisces Brett Easton Ellis writes, “It strikes me profoundly that the world is more often than not a bad and cruel place.” Given the popularity of true crime as entertainment and our cultural fascination with serial killers, it would seem we as people crave constant confirmation of that cruelty. … Read more