Millennials crushed by ‘wholly inappropriate’ meaning of ‘Macarena’ lyrics: ‘This is not right’

Millennials crushed by ‘wholly inappropriate’ meaning of ‘Macarena’ lyrics: ‘This is not right’

The kids had no clue what they were shaking it to.  For party people of the 1990s, the hip-swinging beat of the “Macarena” still rings as the sultry soundtrack of the decade, which came complete with its own club-worthy choreography.  Millennials shocked by English translation of the ‘Macarena.’ fizkes – But now, the nostalgic … Read more

King Felipe of Spain was ‘crushed and destroyed’ over Queen Letizia’s ‘infidelities’: book

King Felipe of Spain was ‘crushed and destroyed’ over Queen Letizia’s ‘infidelities’: book

King Felipe of Spain was “crushed and destroyed” over his wife Queen Letizia’s alleged infidelity, according to a bombshell new book. The Spanish royal family has been rocked by a slew of new claims by journalist Jaime Peñafiel, who has covered the royals for decades. In his latest work titled “Letizia’s Silences” released in Spain Wednesday, … Read more

Paul Pierce’s finger was crushed by 45-pound weight plate in gruesome gym injury

Paul Pierce’s finger was crushed by 45-pound weight plate in gruesome gym injury

Paul Pierce said he drove himself to the hospital after a 45-pound weightlifting plate crushed his fingers in a bloody scene during a workout at the gym on Friday. The Basketball Fall of Famer recalled the incident during Monday’s installment of “Undisputed,” and explained that he saw the bone on his right ring finger after … Read more

Draymond Green ‘crushed’ that Stephen A. Smith attacked Steph Curry’s leadership during suspension

Draymond Green ‘crushed’ that Stephen A. Smith attacked Steph Curry’s leadership during suspension

Draymond Green saw a lot of people giving their two cents about him after he was suspended last month for hitting Phoenix center Jusuf Nurkic in the face during a game.  But it was Stephen A. Smith’s comments about Steph Curry last month that “crushed” the Warriors star.  The ESPN star had used the situation … Read more

Why Julia Roberts was ‘crushed’ at the start of ‘Pretty Woman’ filming

Why Julia Roberts was ‘crushed’ at the start of ‘Pretty Woman’ filming

Julia Roberts was “crushed” when the original version of her hit 1990 rom-com “Pretty Woman” was initially scrapped. “It was going to be a much darker film called ‘$3,000,’” Roberts, 56, revealed, referring to the amount it cost Edward (played by Richard Gere) to spend the night with Vivian Ward. “Vivian was a drug addict … Read more

Jrue Holiday’s wife, Lauren, was ‘crushed’ by NBA star’s stunning trade

Jrue Holiday’s wife, Lauren, was ‘crushed’ by NBA star’s stunning trade

Jrue Holiday has been dealt around the NBA before, but last week’s stunning trade from the Bucks “crushed” his family. Reflecting on recent events Wednesday, Holiday’s wife, Lauren, expressed mixed emotions after the 33-year-old guard was dealt from Milwaukee to the Portland Trail Blazers for superstar Damian Lillard before landing with the Boston Celtics on … Read more

Farmer nearly crushed by half a ton of hay is saved by father of two

Farmer nearly crushed by half a ton of hay is saved by father of two

A dad saved the life of a farmer who was nearly crushed to death by half a ton of hay in a serious outdoor mishap — by using an app to guide an emergency medical team to the rural location. Michael Moss, 39, had been eating lunch outside in his yard when he heard distant … Read more

ESPN’s Malika Andrews says her first dream was ‘crushed’ by New York Times

ESPN’s Malika Andrews says her first dream was ‘crushed’ by New York Times

Before Malika Andrews’ meteoric rise at ESPN, she first hit rock bottom with the New York Times. In an interview with The Post’s Andrew Marchand, Andrews talked about her formative years in the industry and how she made it to the heights that she is at now, but one particular moment with the New York … Read more

An elephant bit me while I was on vacation, it completely crushed my arm

An elephant bit me while I was on vacation, it completely crushed my arm

A woman holidaying in Bali revealed how she got her arm stuck in an elephant’s mouth with the “terrifying” ordeal costing her $10,000 in medical bills. Beth Bogar, from New Hampshire, was at the popular Mason Elephant Park & Lodge — the only dedicated and certified elephant rescue park in Ubud — with her husband … Read more

I awoke from an operation to find my uterus removed — and my ‘mom dream’ crushed

I awoke from an operation to find my uterus removed — and my ‘mom dream’ crushed

A woman from England said that she went in for a routine internal checkup – and woke up without a uterus or a cervix. As a result, Zoe Bailey, 31, has been left unable to get pregnant and can’t carry her own child, something that she’s always dreamed of. “All my life I’d wanted to … Read more

Disturbing animation shows how Jeremy Renner fell into path of 14,000-pound snowplow that crushed his body

Disturbing animation shows how Jeremy Renner fell into path of 14,000-pound snowplow that crushed his body

A new animation has detailed the moment actor Jeremy Renner was crushed by his 14,000-pound snowplow near his Lake Tahoe home on New Year’s Day. In his first interview since the near-fatal incident, Renner recalled the horrifying ordeal and how he was hospitalized with 30 broken bones and a collapsed lung. The simulation, which was … Read more

Dear Abby: My daughter cheated on her husband — my grandson is crushed

Dear Abby: My daughter cheated on her husband — my grandson is crushed

DEAR ABBY: My daughter, “Maddie,” 34, just left what I thought was a great marriage. After only five years, she cheated on her husband, “Glenn.” Their 6-year-old son is crushed. I know there are two sides to every story, but our entire family loves Glenn. He’s a hard worker, but quiet and kind of a … Read more

Man crushed to death by pop-up urinal outside ‘Harry Potter’ theater

Man crushed to death by pop-up urinal outside ‘Harry Potter’ theater

A man has died after being crushed by a pop-up urinal in London’s busy West End. The tragedy occurred shortly after 1 p.m. local time Friday outside the Palace Theatre, currently home to the popular production of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.” The victim was thought to be performing below-ground maintenance on the hydraulic … Read more

My Mother’s Attempts to Lift My Spirits Leave Me Feeling Crushed

My Mother’s Attempts to Lift My Spirits Leave Me Feeling Crushed

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