Doing this 1 disgusting act in front of your partner strengthens your relationship

Doing this 1 disgusting act in front of your partner strengthens your relationship

Pass gas and pass the relationship test. Many people are afraid that farting could be a relationship failure, but sometimes you just need to let it go. But when is it okay to do so? When is it okay to fart in front of your partner? megaflopp – A survey from Mic showed that … Read more

Weight training strengthens more than muscles — it also pumps up the brain, study says

Weight training strengthens more than muscles — it also pumps up the brain, study says

Pumping iron has some surprising health benefits. A study, recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that resistance training — such as weight training — strengthens muscles throughout the body, as well as the brain. These types of exercises lower your risk for a wide range of medical disorders, including cardiovascular disease … Read more